Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 10

So today had to be one of the roughest day on the detox. I woke up with a pinched shoulder nerve. I couldn't raise my arm at all. I placed a heat pad on it only to realize ( after I googled and self diagnosed myself) that heat irritates it. Ouch! I was in pain. I took 800mg ibuprofen and grabbed the frozen peas. It helped a bit.

I also had to attend a friends funeral. Rest in peace Shizuko Kubo. The ceremony was my first buddhist funeral. It was very pure and centered me where I emotionally connected with the joy Shiz brought to this world. The chanting and incense burning also brought another element of feeling as one.

At the reception I had two salads. A spinach raspberry salad and a blue cheese apple salad. I really was tempted to eat sushi. Worst was after the ceremony my friend gives me a tray of 70 pieces of sushi. Oh my!! It's killing me to admit that I had to turn it down :(. I know I know but its gotta be the hardest day. The caterer had more food than guests expected so thats why they gave away sushi trays. Doh!! I totally wouldn't gotten into the tray.

X-rays were taken of my shoulder. Doc says its irritated all right and that the inflammation must go down in order for me to move my arm without pain. He gave me some anti-inflammatory pills.

I could use a drink by now. Some sushi too..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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